Thursday, 30 September 2010

What we are up to this weekend!

Sat 2nd October
Our Fresh Meat Stalls will be at Hexham and Morpeth Markets - hope to see you there!

Sun 3rd October
Our Catering Trailer is in full swing here at Dunterley at the Show X (ENTRIES ACCEPTED ON THE DAY ALSO)  - no need to bring your flasks and picnics or get up extra early for breakfast our bacon rolls, burgers and sausages will be waiting!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010


Sat 25 September/Sunday 26 September - Taste Cragside
We are delighted to taking our catering trailer to Cragside Hall, Rothbury, Northumberland NE65 7PX where the Taste Cragside event is on all weekend.  On Sunday we will also be in the food marquee with our fresh meat!

Sat 25 September - Middlesbrough Town Meal
You will find us at the Middlesborough Town Meal TS1 2AZ, an exciting event with free entertainment and demonstrations.  Here we will be selling our delicious fresh pork, lamb and beef - look forward to seeing you there!

Sat 25 September - Spirit of Hexham Eating and Street Festival
We'll be here too!  Hexham NE46 1XF serving up a delicious surprise along with our tasty burgers, sausages, bacon etc, hot and cold drinks.  Once you've tasted our delights you may wish to find our fresh meat stand in the Moot Hall!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Busy weekend ahead for Kielder Organic Meats!!

Our refrigerated lorry and our wonderful new catering trailer are as I speak heading down to Bristol for an exciting weekend at the Organic Food Festival. Farmer Colin's at the wheel and he will be working hard alongside North East Chef of the Year Lee Campbell who's cooking our delicious bacon, burgers and sausages. 

Our team serving up our food includes Jackie(eline!), Sam(antha!) and Georgie(ina!)

Meanwhile we have a stand at the first ever Newbiggin by the Sea Farmer's Market selling our beef, pork and lamb this Saturday, and we are catering at the Whitfield Show, Hexhamshire.